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what we offer

puppy bus

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puppy socializing

socialization is the key factor in having a well-adjusted happy pet

All puppies enroll for daycare, and they socialize during the week. We found this worked better than classes, for they have more time to adjust and to get to know the new area and friends.

Please make sure you have emailed us your completed enrolment form and that you have your pup's vaccinations and kennel cough up to date.

Once the enrollment process is completed, we will organize a FREE trial day for your pup.

On the day, your pup will be slowly introduced to the other doggies. This process can take a while. Making sure your pup is happy with the new environment and once comfortable we slowly introduce him to new friends one at a time. Continuously monitoring their behavior and temperament. We usually ask that owners are not present for the introduction, because it can cause some doggies to become protective over their owner. You do not need to worry, we will constantly keep you updated via Whatsapp with videos and pics. Depending on the size and age of your pup/dog, we will allocate him/her to the correct group to socialize in.

puppy training

Training is an important part of your dog’s life and improves character, confidence, and stability. It is our goal to help your pup on his/her journey to become an excellent companion that can accompany you anywhere and behave well around other people and dogs. 
We use positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior and discourage undesired behavior. This is constantly enforced throughout the day by all the handlers.  
We desensitize your pup to as many situations as we can. We help them with toilet training and teach them good manners (not jumping up, not barking constantly) and of course, we provide them with positive socialization where they can learn how to play/act around other dogs and people in a safe environment. 

Puppy training includes:  Sit / Down / Stand / recall / loose lead walking.  If permitted by the owners, puppies are taken for short enrichment activities outside the property.  This includes car rides, walks outside our property and a visit to the local shop



Training a dog should not be a job, it should be enjoyable and fun for both owner and dog. At Puppy Puzzle, we understand the importance of this and encourage it.

We use positive reinforcement and reward-based training techniques that are guaranteed to put your dog's paws ahead. Our goal is to create a bond and understanding between dog and owner that will last a lifetime.

In obedience class you will learn the fundamentals of obedience training, these include Focus, Sit, Down Stay, Puppy Push-Ups, Heel, and Recall. Attention is given to each handler and dog, to make sure everyone, human and pup alike, makes progress and enjoys the class!

Private Training will be a One-on-one session. We will teach all the basics and help with training issues such as pulling on the lead, recall, jumping up, and so on.

Private training is not a replacement for puppy classes or socialization. It is always advisable for puppies to attend classes together with other puppies, as it is very important to their development. That being said, in some cases private training together with other socialization efforts can be very effective

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